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Thursday, December 1, 2011

Eco Materials used on our eco jewelry designs

Orange Peel

Vitamin C is not just good for your health, it also looks great in jewelry! The peel is carefully cut and roll in the shape desired, dried and then hand painted. The paint used in this process is not toxic.


Coffee plants produce clusters of coffee cherries. They become bright red when they are ripped and ready to be picked. The skin of the fruit is bitter but the pulp is sweet. In the center enclosed in a parchment-like envelope the seeds are found. The seeds of these fruits are the coffee beans, which are roasted and then used to prepare coffee or in this case beautiful handcrafted jewelry.

Sea Heart Seeds
The Sea Heart or Congolo is a seed of great size and extraordinary beauty. It is shaped like a heart and a texture that looks plastic or varnished. It belongs to the genus Mucuna and the Fabaceae family. Sea Heart is the seed of a climbing vine, and the seed itself is found inside a pod. In traditional medicine from the indigenous trives the extract of the leaves is used to cure hemorrhoids and the seed is credited to have magical and religious powers; therefore, it is widely used as a good luck charm. 


Corn Grains

We also use corn grains to make our eco-accessories. After they are died and dried the artisan assemble the necklace crocheting through a pre-drilled hole  on the corn grains. 
     Corn grain jewelry is very beautiful, in this sample we have reference "Diana" in hot pink  (left picture) and red (right picture). It is available in other colors as well.


Why Choose Our Eco Friendly Jewelry?

Gold jewelry is obtained by using countless fossil fuels, thousands of gallons of water, cyanide solution and electrolysis.  Our eco jewelry in the other hand uses either recycled metals or renewable ecofriendly resources. We work really hard to limit environmental impact by using renewable resources as much as possible. We strive to be eco-friendly and environmentally responsible without compromising fashion.

Exclusive Goddess will plant a tree per each accessory that we sell. Your trees will help cleanse the air we breathe, reforest depleted lands, fight soil erosion, conserve rainwater, and reduce water runoff and sediment deposit after storms. After your purchase you will receive an email from  where it shows the certificate for the trees planted in your name.
For more information about how to plant trees you can visit American Forests.

Exclusive Goddess™ by Verte Sexy's Eco-Initiatives include reduced toxicity in products, products have minimal or no artificial materials, energy efficiency in office and production, recycled content, manufactured with minimal environmental impact, reusability, eco-friendly packaging.

Besides our commitment to the environment Exclusive Goddess™is also dedicated to supporting the artisans that make all our ecoaccessories possible. Most of them are women head of household and members of ethnic and marginized communities. Is an integral component of our mission of job creation, community empowerment and economic revitalization to ensure non-discrimination on opportunities for small businesses and especially small disadvantaged business, operated by women, disabled veterans, and those located in historically underutilized business zones. Exclusive Goddess is a fair trade jewelry company. We supports ethical and fair business practices.


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Vegetable Ivory: Green Consumers

Vegetable Ivory: Green Consumers:           Every day, tremendous amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) are put into the atmosphere, causing global warming. Due to ecological chang...

What is Tagua?

Tagua nut or vegetable ivory, is very similar to a palm, native of the tropical rainforests of South America. Tagua is usually found in groups in swampy territory within the forest. Botanically speaking Tagua is not considered a palm. These plants grow up to 65ft tall and produce an average of sixteen knobbly fruits. The brown fruits are very large, with a a hard and spiky shell containing the nuts. There are about thirty nuts per spike, each nut can measure up to four inches or about the size of an egg.

It takes about fourteen to fifteen years for a tagua plant to produce its first harvest. A mature plant can be harvested three times a year. Each harvest bears about sixteen knobbly fruit spikes. Keep in mind that each fruit spike contains about numerous nuts.

The cultivation, preservation and sustainable harvesting of these trees is highly encouraged and the seeds are picked up after they naturally fall to the ground. The nuts are left to dry under the sun for a few weeks allowing the cellulose pulp to turn to ivory. Since tagua can be died, cut, sliced, carved and lathed it is widely used by artisans to make jewelry and other handicrafts.

Tagua is very hard and durable, but it is sensitive to water. Do not take your tagua products into the shower or a swimming pool. Water will not destroy the tagua, but it will corrode the design and can possibly cause the tagua itself to crack, if submerged for long enough.

Tagua gets an ivory color over time, often turning a rich yellow color with age. This is normal. Some tagua products stay snow white and some turn a rich, dark ivory — each tagua piece is unique. Tagua can be polished by hand with natural waxes (beeswax works well for this) and buffed to a shine. Generally this only needs to be done once a year at most.

In the 1920's Tagua was widely used for crafts and in the fashion industry. About twenty percent of buttons world wide were made out of tagua; however, low-priced synthetic buttons replaced the tagua buttons market.

Nowadays tagua has a great economic value in South America and it is considered a renewable resource. Since vegetable ivory is almost indistinguishable from animal ivory, tagua assists with elephant conservation.

History and Interesting facts
Tagua belongs to the Kingdom Plantae. It is an Angiosperm from the Arecaceae Family. Its Genus is Phytelephas which literally means "plant elephant", so far there are six species of Tagua Plants.
Phytelephas aequatorialis – Ecuadorean Ivory Palm
Phytelephas macrocarpa – Large-fruited Ivory Palm
Phytelephas schottii – Colombian Ivory Palm
Phytelephas seemannii
Phytelephas tenuicaulis
Phytelephas tumacana

Since tagua aids with elephant conservation, vegetable ivory products are seen as an eco friendly alternative. There is a big market for this wonderful nut that ranges from eco friendly jewelry to handicrafts and buttons.

An Environmentally friendly Jewelry Store.

Welcome to Exclusive Goddess™. We are delighted to offer you a wide variety of eco-friendly accessories with exclusive and innovative styles and designs. We work really hard to limit environmental impact by using renewable resources as much as possible. We strive to be eco-friendly and environmentally responsible without compromising fashion.

Exclusive Goddess will plant a tree per each accessory that we sell. Your trees will help cleanse the air we breathe, reforest depleted lands, fight soil erosion, conserve rainwater, and reduce water runoff and sediment deposit after storms. After your purchase you will receive an email from  where it shows the certificate for the trees planted in your name.
For more information about how to plant trees you can visit American Forests.

Exclusive Goddess™ by Verte Sexy's Eco-Initiatives include: reduced toxicity in products, products have minimal or no artificial materials, energy efficiency in office and production, recycled content, manufactured with minimal environmental impact, re-usability, eco-friendly packaging.

Besides our commitment to the environment Exclusive Goddess™is also dedicated to supporting the artisans that make all our eco-accessories possible. Most of them are women head of household and members of ethnic and marginized communities. Is an integral component of our mission of job creation, community empowerment and economic revitalization to ensure non-discrimination on opportunities for small businesses and especially small disadvantaged business, operated by women, disabled veterans, and those located in historically underutilized business zones. Exclusive Goddess is a fair trade jewelry company. We supports ethical and fair business practices.

We make our products from:
• Orange peel, dried beans and coffee beans, coconut, Tagua or Vegetable Ivory, watermelon, cantaloupe, acai & pumpkin seeds, corn grains and many other renewable resources.
Click here to see the eco-friendly materials that we  use.

Check back periodically for articles, alerts and green tips!